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IQCIA Confined Space Technical Rescue Team Certification

Price:  $2,495.00

Cat. Num.: IQCIA RT-103111

Confined Space Technical Rescue 10-Day
Course and IQCIA Rescue Team Certification

IQCIA, Confined Space Technical Rescue Association
Washington, DC, Glendale California, Houston, Texas
800.716.2761 dbush@iqcia.org

This third-party certification program qualifies participants as having the minimum knowledge, experience and skills needed to safely perform confined space technical rescue operations.

The overall objective for this course is to enhance the quality and competency of confined space stand by and rescue activities and to minimize the risks of confined space hazards.

Scope of Knowledge includes:
1. Work Permitting, Rescue Job Book
2. OSHA Confined Space Regulatory Requirements
3. Emergency Response, Check lists and rescue job positions
4. Confined Space Rescue, Site staging, Rescue Ready

Course Requirements:
Education, Minimum Experience & Required Skills

  1. All students shall have the following certifications before course start date:
    • First Aid / CPR
    • PFT / Fit Test
    • Recent Physical (Sport, within the past 30 days)
    • PPE Basic
  2. Each student will be required to bring the following with them each day:
    • Hard Hat (w/ chin strap)
    • Pair of Gloves suitable for repelling (sturdy leather, double palmed)
    • Shoes with good ankle support - NO TENNIS SHOES
    • Headlamp or Flashlight
    • Clothes that allow ease of movement
      Each student must be in good physical shape and be able to participate in the field exercises See number 4
  3. There is a Pre-test and a Post-test given. A score of 80% is required to pass
  4. Due to the nature of the course and the importance of the subject THIS IS A PASS /FAIL COURSE.
  5. Rescue handouts, black pen or pencil, red pen, and highlighter must be brought to class every day
  6. If a student shows up for class intoxicated, ill or unable to perform the necessary evolutions he/she will be asked to leave and will be dropped from the course. No refund will be given.
  7. Certification is valid for 5 years. A 2 day refresher course can be taken prior to expiration date to revalidate certification.

Call us at 800.549.1213 or email info@iqcia.org for more details.

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