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How to Enroll

To enrol with OSHA Plans and the CSTRA you are required to complete the online enrolment form below and submit. You need to note down the course and units you wish to enrol in before you begin. The OSHA Plans and CSTRA system will generate an email to the TES Certification administrator who will complete your enrolment: Any questions or difficulties please contact OSHA Plans or the CSTRA by email, fax or phone or on the web sites.

www.oshaplans.com or www.cstra.org
Phone: 281-549-6658

After the completed Enrolment form has been returned to OSHA Plans or the CSTRA you will be contacted by the TES Administration Officer for verification of your details, tank supervisory experience and credentials. The CSTRA Field Manual or your API course material will be discussed.

At this time you will be asked to confirm your preferred class (by number) date and location, and preferred payment method.
At OSHA Plans and the Confined Space Technical Association, CSTRA we prefer that you use our secured web site Credit Card facility: Authorize.Net or PAYPAL on either web site. www.oshaplans.com or www.cstra.org Using our secure Credit Card facility on our web sites Authorize.Net or PAYPAL ensures that you can reserve your preferred TES class date and location. NOTE: Each OSHA Plans/CSTRA TES Certification Class is limited to twenty (20) students. Reserved seating is first 20 applicants to complete the registration and acceptance process. At that point you will have "reserved seat" for that class. Waiting list of 3 applicants per class are accepted.

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